Key Issues
Border Security
Over 2 million illegal immigrants have entered America in the last year. The sad reality is that the federal government will never secure our border with Mexico. Texas must secure it! I have been fighting illegal immigration since 2005 when I joined more than 850 citizens at the Arizona-Mexican border in an attempt to deter illegal crossings. We succeeded in shutting down 22 miles of the border for 30 straight days in April of that year. Initially, I was opposed to illegal immigration primarily because of national security concerns – terrorists slipping across undetected. Later, I learned of the devastating economic consequences of illegal immigration – particularly at the local level! For example, at my first border watch in Falfurrias, TX in 2006, I was told that the local community emergency room had been closed down because of the overwhelming costs associated with the free medical care given to illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration now costs Texas billions of dollars every year! In 2007, I participated in one of the largest grassroots campaigns ever to stop an amnesty bill (SB 1348). Hundreds of thousands of phone calls literally shut down the phone systems at the U.S. Capitol and the bill died! Through the years, I have developed relationships with key figures in a number of organizations that will provide an enormous asset for drafting legislation to combat illegal immigration at the state level. Border security is my top priority!
Property Taxes
Texans should not have to rent their home from the government by paying higher and higher property taxes. I will fight to lower property taxes, so homeowners can keep more of what they earn. No homeowner should be under the threat of losing their home once their mortgage is paid off. I will also fight to ban the use of your tax dollars to hire lobbyists because your hard-earned money should never be allowed to be used to lobby against bills that protect the taxpayer.
Election Integrity
We must ensure that every election is safe and secure. I support tougher penalties for voter fraud and support requiring a photo ID to vote. The integrity of our elections has been a top issue of mine for more than five years. As a member of the State Republican Executive Committee, I authored a resolution in 2016 that called upon the Secretary of State’s office to stop issuing waivers to counties enabling them to circumvent election statutes that require the printing of zero tapes and tally tapes from electronic voting machines. I also led a group of activists who successfully advocated for the purchase of the hybrid machines that we are currently using in Parker County. These machines combine the counting efficiency of electronic machines with the security of paper ballot backups that can be counted in contested races. The Texas legislature recently passed a bill in the last special session that improved some aspects of election integrity but at the same time weakened it by decreasing the penalty for election fraud from a felony to a misdemeanor. There is still much work to be done to secure the integrity of our elections. I have worked numerous elections as an election judge here in Parker County and have developed relationships with several experts on Election Integrity across Texas that I plan to use in crafting legislation in Austin after I am elected.
Sanctity of Life
Life begins at conception! I am a pro-life conservative who supports the recently passed Heartbeat bill. The implementation of the bill has already significantly reduced the number of abortions in Texas. We must continue the fight until abortion is abolished and at the same time care for the women in need. The sanctity of life must be protected at all stages of life.
Protecting Our Children
I find it repulsive and heartbreaking that the State of Texas is allowing more than 1000 children to undergo sexual transition each year. I will fight to abolish the practices of gender reassignment surgery, administration of puberty blockers or any other efforts to intervene in the natural progression of puberty in children for the purpose of sexual transition.
Medical Freedom
As a former biomedical research scientist, I understand that Covid-19 can be a life-threatening illness for some individuals. However, I also believe that an individual has the fundamental right to make his or her own health care decisions. Patient-centered health care is the norm in free countries. Society-based health care is the norm in socialist countries. No entity – governmental or business has the right to require the introduction of a foreign substance into your body. I am proud of the nurses, pilots and tens of thousands of other Texans who are standing up for their personal freedom. If elected, one of my top priorities is to pass a bill that unequivocally bans vaccine mandates so no Texan is ever fired for not being vaccinated. Another top legislative priority of mine is to pass a bill protecting private businesses from COVID-related lawsuits.
Second Amendment
The Democrats in D.C. are determined to strip away the second amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. They know that the second amendment is an impediment to their ultimate goal of the socialist takeover of this country. We need bold legislators in Austin willing to stand up to the federal government and protect one of the most important amendments to our U.S. Constitution!
Tenth Amendment
The Texas legislature is not doing enough to push back against an overreaching federal government when it violates the rights of Texans and the Texas Constitution. The Tenth Amendment states, “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” We must push back on federal efforts to control more of our lives and defend our Texas values.
Education Freedom and Parental Rights
I’ve met many parents on the campaign trail and strongly believe that they care more about their children’s education than any bureaucrat ever will. Parents should have the right to direct their child’s education and the money that is being spent educating their child. We have to be very careful addressing this issue in order to avoid government intruding in homeschool and private education. Therefore, I do support an amendment to the Texas Bill of Rights that would protect families from governmental intrusion into their educational choices. I followed my dream and earned a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and spent most of my life as a research scientist. I could not have done this without the many outstanding teachers (including three Nobel Laureates) I had along the way. I am committed to excellent schools for every Texas child. The most important factor in a good education is the quality of teachers that are employed by the school districts. We must prioritize the recruitment and retention of quality educators for the sake of our next generation. One of my biggest concerns regarding our education system today is the attempt by the progressive left to implement woke and Marxist ideology into our classrooms with the goal of indoctrinating our children. There is no place in our schools for Critical Race Theory and social emotional learning that teach attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors in an effort to change children’s worldview. Curriculum transparency is crucial so that parents know what is being taught to their children. Our public school system should focus on its core role of teaching math, science, reading and writing and cease the social engineering!
Safe Neighborhoods
It is a travesty that major metropolitan areas of the country, led by liberal politicians, are actually defunding the police and refusing to prosecute violent offenders. One of the few roles of government is to protect us and our liberties and I fully support our tax dollars being used to fund the police, firemen and other first responders. As your state representative I will always support our first responders.

Border Security
Over 2 million illegal immigrants have entered America in the last year. The sad reality is that the federal government will never secure our border with Mexico. Texas must secure it! I have been fighting illegal immigration since 2005 when I joined more than 850 citizens at the Arizona-Mexican border in an attempt to deter illegal crossings. We succeeded in shutting down 22 miles of the border for 30 straight days in April of that year. Initially, I was opposed to illegal immigration primarily because of national security concerns – terrorists slipping across undetected. Later, I learned of the devastating economic consequences of illegal immigration – particularly at the local level! For example, at my first border watch in Falfurrias, TX in 2006, I was told that the local community emergency room had been closed down because of the overwhelming costs associated with the free medical care given to illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration now costs Texas billions of dollars every year! In 2007, I participated in one of the largest grassroots campaigns ever to stop an amnesty bill (SB 1348). Hundreds of thousands of phone calls literally shut down the phone systems at the U.S. Capitol and the bill died! Through the years, I have developed relationships with key figures in a number of organizations that will provide an enormous asset for drafting legislation to combat illegal immigration at the state level. Border security is my top priority!

Property Taxes
Texans should not have to rent their home from the government by paying higher and higher property taxes. I will fight to lower or eliminate property taxes, so homeowners can keep more of what they earn. No homeowner should be under the threat of losing their home once their mortgage is paid off. I will also fight to ban the use of your tax dollars to hire lobbyists because your hard-earned money should never be allowed to be used to lobby against bills that protect the taxpayer.

Election Integrity
We must ensure that every election is safe and secure. I support tougher penalties for voter fraud and support requiring a photo ID to vote. The integrity of our elections has been a top issue of mine for more than five years. As a member of the State Republican Executive Committee, I authored a resolution in 2016 that called upon the Secretary of State’s office to stop issuing waivers to counties enabling them to circumvent election statutes that require the printing of zero tapes and tally tapes from electronic voting machines. I also led a group of activists who successfully advocated for the purchase of the hybrid machines that we are currently using in Parker County. These machines combine the counting efficiency of electronic machines with the security of paper ballot backups that can be counted in contested races. The Texas legislature recently passed a bill in the last special session that improved some aspects of election integrity but at the same time weakened it by decreasing the penalty for election fraud from a felony to a misdemeanor. There is still much work to be done to secure the integrity of our elections. I have worked numerous elections as an election judge here in Parker County and have developed relationships with several experts on Election Integrity across Texas that I plan to use in crafting legislation in Austin after I am elected.

Sanctity of Life
Life begins at conception! I am a pro-life conservative who supports the recently passed Heartbeat bill. The implementation of the bill has already significantly reduced the number of abortions in Texas. We must continue the fight until abortion is abolished and at the same time care for the women in need. The sanctity of life must be protected at all stages of life.

Protecting Our Children
I find it repulsive and heartbreaking that the State of Texas is allowing more than 1000 children to undergo sexual transition each year. I will fight to abolish the practices of gender reassignment surgery, administration of puberty blockers or any other efforts to intervene in the natural progression of puberty in children for the purpose of sexual transition.

Medical Freedom
As a former biomedical research scientist, I understand that Covid-19 can be a life-threatening illness for some individuals. However, I also believe that an individual has the fundamental right to make his or her own health care decisions. Patient-centered health care is the norm in free countries. Society-based health care is the norm in socialist countries. No entity – governmental or business has the right to require the introduction of a foreign substance into your body. I am proud of the nurses, pilots and tens of thousands of other Texans who are standing up for their personal freedom. If elected, one of my top priorities is to pass a bill that unequivocally bans vaccine mandates so no Texan is ever fired for not being vaccinated. Another top legislative priority of mine is to pass a bill protecting private businesses from COVID-related lawsuits.

Second Amendment
The Democrats in D.C. are determined to strip away the second amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. They know that the second amendment is an impediment to their ultimate goal of the socialist takeover of this country. We need bold legislators in Austin willing to stand up to the federal government and protect one of the most important amendments to the constitution!

Tenth Amendment
The Texas legislature is not doing enough to push back against an overreaching federal government when it violates the rights of Texans and the Texas Constitution. The Tenth Amendment states, “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” We must push back on federal efforts to control more of our lives and defend our Texas values.

Education Freedom and Parental Rights
I’ve met many parents on the campaign trail and strongly believe that they care more about their children’s education than any bureaucrat ever will. Parents should have the right to direct their child’s education and the money that is being spent educating their child. We have to be very careful addressing this issue in order to avoid government intruding in homeschool and private education. Therefore, I do support an amendment to the Texas Bill of Rights that would protect families from governmental intrusion into their educational choices. I followed my dream and earned a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and spent most of my life as a research scientist. I could not have done this without the many outstanding teachers (including three Nobel Laureates) I had along the way. I am committed to excellent schools for every Texas child. The most important factor in a good education is the quality of teachers that are employed by the school districts. We must prioritize the recruitment and retention of quality educators for the sake of our next generation. One of my biggest concerns regarding our education system today is the attempt by the progressive left to implement woke and Marxist ideology into our classrooms with the goal of indoctrinating our children. There is no place in our schools for Critical Race Theory and social emotional learning that teach attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors in an effort to change children’s worldview. Curriculum transparency is crucial so that parents know what is being taught to their children. Our public school system should focus on its core role of teaching math, science, reading and writing and cease the social engineering!

Safe Neighborhoods
It is a travesty that major metropolitan areas of the country, led by liberal politicians are actually defunding the police and refusing to prosecute violent offenders. One of the few roles of government is to protect us and our liberties and I fully support our tax dollars being used to fund the police, firemen and other first responders. As your state representative I will always support our first responders.